Sunday, August 24, 2008

Calculate Her Little White Lies

A black mother must calculate the little white lies she must tell her children until she deems her children are ready to handle the truth.

To lie or not to lie...that is the question.

My oldest daughter has just entered the seventh grade and is now able to use a calculator in math. It was on her list of school supplies, and when I first laid eyes upon the list, I knew I did not want her to use one.

I would like for her to learn how to solve math equations without being dependent on a calculator. In my opinion, it will keep her mind fresh. I would hate for her to come across a algebra problem and seek assistance from a calculator instead of FIGURING out how to solve the equation on her own. Just a pencil and piece of paper. Will it take more time? Yes. However it is what she must learn how to do.

So, I told her the reason Asians excel in area such as math is because they do not use calculators. Now, you and I know there is more to this, and one day she will as well. However, she accepted it and felt like if they could solve their math problems without the aid of a calculator, she could too.

By telling her this, I provided her with power, energy and fuel for the upcoming year. Determination, a goal and a challenge.

In my home, there is no such thing as Santa, The Tooth Fairy, or The Easter Bunny. Those are not the kinds of white lies that I partake in. It has to benefit my children emotionally, spiritually and be able to do wonders for their self esteem. Because let's be honest, some white lies are necessary.

A black mother will calculate which white lies are worth the telling with no regrets when it comes to her precious offspring.

1 comment:

MangoButtahQueen said...

I kinda have fun with the holidays... I told my youngest Santa has a distended liver from severe alcohol abuse and cirrhosis of the liver....The easter bunny is what you serve up for dinner and is great with baby carrots and potatoes. I can't wait for the school year to start so that he may share his new found knowledge with his classmates....My oldest says it's because I love terrorizing the teachers. Now the tooth fairy? I had a hell of a time with that one with my oldest because where I used to live a smart-assed dentist opened her practice with the signage "Tooth Fairy Dentistry". I kid you not. Now with my youngest..I tell him she is a fairy that is based in the Bahamas and that I have to call a toll free of my girlfriends speaks to him on her behalf.
I know...sometimes I got to have a little fun with this.